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The Ugly Side of Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres is one of the most beloved celebrities. She has a huge fan following and people love her for her humorous nature, courage and the positive vibes that she exudes. However, this public image she has might take a beating in 2020, primarily due to the numerous allegations that have erupted against her as well as her show in the last few months.

In February 2020, Nikkie de Jager, the famous Dutch beauty blogger, became the first person to call out Ellen Degeneres. In an interview given to a local Dutch talk show, she confessed to finding Ellen ‘cold and distant.’ Then in April, Kevin T. Porter, an up and coming comedian, started a thread, asking people to share their stories about how Ellen is one of the meanest people alive. The thread gathered over 2000 replies in just a short space of time.

Over the next few months, former and current employees of the show shared their stories of sexual misconduct, racism and the toxic workplace environment. While Ellen has apologised to her staff, the jury is still out on the subject. Is Ellen one of the meanest people alive? Well, we can’t answer that for you but we can certainly tell you about some of the mean things she has done in the past.

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Corinne Olympios Echoes Nikkie De Jager’s Words

Corinne Olympios, of The Bachelor fame, had a very similar experience with Ellen in 2017. She had come to the set as she was to be interviewed by Ellen. However, when Corinne accidentally met Ellen backstage, she found the talk show host to be very cold and just the opposite of how she appears on the screen. The encounter made Corinne quite uncomfortable and thus, the entire interview went on a similar note. Apparently, Ellen does not like meeting her guests beforehand. For a talk show host, that’s rather bizarre, right?

She Also Once Got Kathy Griffin Kicked out of a Backstage Dressing Room

The Kathy Griffin – Ellen Degeneres feud has gone on for a long time. In fact, Ellen has even banned Kathy from her show. It all started in 2014 after the death of Joan Rivers. Apparently, there was no love lost between Joan Rivers and Ellen, with the latter finding Rivers’ comedic style mean and insensitive. However, after Joan passed away in 2014, Kathy Griffin, a good friend of Rivers, called Ellen and requested her to put aside whatever feelings she had for Rivers and do a tribute to the comedian. Ellen refused, which led to a war of words. The feud became nastier with each passing year and according to Kathy Griffin, Ellen even used her celebrity power to get Kathy thrown out of a backstage changing room at the Emmys once. Well, that’s certainly mean!

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She Has Also Banned Caitlyn Jenner from Her Show

In April 2015, Caitlyn Jenner decided to come out as a trans woman and changed her name. Ellen invited Caitlyn to her show. When Ellen asked Caitlyn about her opinion on same-sex marriage, Caitlyn’s conservative stance did not impress Ellen. Caitlyn later admitted to not feeling comfortable on the show. She also said that she is banned from the show. That’s a little extreme, Ellen! Everyone is entitled to their opinion!

She Once Very Publicly Embarrassed an Audience Member

More often than not, audience members on Ellen’s show are sent to a goodie room from where they can pick up any single thing of their choice. Nobody guards the room but the cameras are there. One day, an audience member made the mistake of taking more than one thing and got caught on camera. While her behaviour was not right, what Ellen did was despicable. She stopped the show in the middle and played the video of the woman to her entire audience. The woman, who was sitting in the audience, was mortified. Ellen, didn’t that seem too severe a punishment to you?

She Blames Her Writers If She Doesn’t Get Enough Laughs

When Kevin T. Porter launched a Twitter thread asking people to tell their ‘Ellen is the meanest person alive’ stories, the talk show host got the most flak from her ex-writers, all of whom claimed that Ellen was mean to them. Some writers even said that Ellen blames her writers and hisses at them every time she doesn’t get enough laughs. If a routine fails, it was always the writers’ mistake. Well, this is no way to treat your employees!

And She Doesn’t Treat Her Employees Well

Other than her ex-writers, many former employees of the show also flooded Kevin T. Porter’s Twitter thread with their stories of mistreatment. Many of the employees claimed that Ellen is often mean on set and doesn’t treat her staff well at all. Some employees claimed that she never returns a greeting or a smile and treats her employees like servants. We may have let this one go had only one or two employees complained of such behaviour but since the post had many, many former employees talking about Ellen’s mean behaviour, we decided not to turn a blind eye.

Ellen Scaring Celebrities Is Not Funny

The audience wants laughs. However, it does not mean that it’s acceptable to scare the daylights out of someone. Remember the time when Taylor Swift fell onto her bathroom floor after Ellen scared her? Or, the time when she scared Benedict Cumberbatch with an Iron man impersonator? Rumour has it that Cumberbatch was so scared that he swore twice. While it is okay to do harmless pranks, but not pranks that are capable of giving people nightmares.

Many Considered Her Birthday Message for Katy Perry Rude and Sexist

On Katy Perry’s birthday, Ellen posted a picture of her staring at Katy’s boobs while Portia de Rossi looks at her all embarrassed. She captioned the picture, ‘Happy Birthday, @Katy Perry. It’s time to bring out the big balloons.’ A whole lot of people thought this picture was crude, rude and insensitive. After all, had a man posted a similar picture, he would have drawn a lot of criticism. Thus, when Ellen posted this picture of her and Katy, people saw it for what it was and called out Ellen on her sexist behaviour.

She Bullied Mariah Carrey on Her Show

Mariah became pregnant with her first child in 2008 but she suffered a miscarriage. After that, she and then-husband Nick Cannon tried to start a family, but something wasn’t right. Mariah then decided to go the IVF route. During this time, she appeared on Ellen’s show. Since Mariah had already struggled with fertility issues and had also struggled to get pregnant, Ellen should have been extra sensitive to her. Instead, Ellen literally bullied Mariah into accepting her pregnancy. Not fair, Ellen!

She Was Friends with George Bush Because She Likes Having Friends in High Places

George Bush never enjoyed great popularity among celebrities. After all, he was the man who started the war in Iraq. More important, Bush, a Republican, was always anti-gay, something that should have bothered Ellen. However, George’s politics did not stop Ellen from becoming his friend. Many in Hollywood believe that this was simply because Ellen likes to have friends in high places.

She Is a Sore Loser

Ellen is famous for her high-stake poker games that she often hosts at her home. These games are often attended by the A-listers of Hollywood. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like to lose and when she does, she resorts to yelling, swearing and everything else not considered nice. Well, that’s no way to play a game, Ellen!

She Is Extra Mean When She Fights with Portia

Portia De Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres make a wonderful couple but like any other couple, they also have their bad days. According to people who have worked with Ellen, Ellen cannot keep her personal life to herself. Whenever she has fought with Portia, she makes working on the sets almost unbearable for everyone.

It is an undeniable fact that Ellen DeGeneres is an incredibly talented talk show host and an even more talented comedian. On her show, she comes across as smart, hilarious, kind, compassionate and chirpy. However, stories that have recently erupted online have made many of us ask this question: Is the Ellen we see on-screen a reflection of real-life Ellen? Or, is it all make-believe? Well, if rumours are to be believed, the ‘Queen of Kind’ is not so kind in real life. Do you have any stories about how Ellen was mean to you or someone you know? If yes, please let us know through the comments section.

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Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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