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At 77, Diane Keaton Says She’ll Never Date a Man Again

Diane Keaton is a bonafide legend of cinema. She has been acting for over six decades, and has starred in some of the most acclaimed and influential films ever made, such as The Godfather trilogy and Annie Hall. As far as her love life concerns, she has been romantically linked to some of the most talented and charismatic men in the industry, such as Woody Allen and Warren Beatty. While she has never given birth to a biological child of her own, Keaton adopted two children and later put her acting career on hold to pursue a second career as a director while increasing her focus on her family life.

Although she’s been romantically involved with potentially dozens of Hollywood hunks over the years, at 77 years old, Diane Keaton says she’ll never date a man again. She told People magazine a while back that she is content with being single and has no desire for romance. “I’m not lonely,” she said. “I have friends I can talk to.”

But what led her to this choice? And what can we learn from her unconventional love life? In this facts-packed video, your old friends over here at FactsVerse HQ will explore the fascinating history of Diane Keaton’s relationships and why she chose to embrace her independence.

FactsVerse Presents: At 77, Diane Keaton Says She’ll Never Date a Man Again

Single And Unwilling To Mingle

As we alludes to in the intro, Diane Keaton is done with dating. And really at 77 years old, she has every right to make this decision.

In a recent interview with AARP the Magazine, the Annie Hall star said that it is “highly unlikely” that she’ll ever cast her net out into the murky dating waters again. She went on to discuss how she can’t recall anyone calling her up anytime as of late offering to take her out.

Keaton’s famous exes include the likes of Al Pacino, Warren Beaty, and Woody Allen. And while’s she links up with her fair share of Hollywood A-listers, landing her on the cover of all of the major gossip rags more times than she likes to admit, she never bows down and ties the knot with anyone.

Empty-Nester Club

It’s not that she’s anti-marriage or anything like that, but she simply never feels the pressing need to walk down the aisle and make a legally binding contract agreeing to spend the remainder of her life with anyone she dates.

Keaton never marries, and she hasn’t birth any little rugrats of her own, but she has adopted two children whom she loves and adores just as much as she would if they shared her DNA. Her oldest adopted child Dexter is 27, and her youngest, Duke, is 22. Of note, is the fact that she adopted both of these children after she had reached the age of 50.

Now that they’re all grown up and flown the coup so to speak, Keaton now is a member of the “empty-nester” club. When asked by AARP what her relationship with her children was like, Keaton responded by saying that “they’re great” and “doing good”. She goes on to mention that Dexter is now married and starting a family of his home and Duke is currently single and living on his own.

Keaton’s “Jerk” of a Dog

Much like many other single parents who have found themselves with a big empty, and not to mention quiet, house after their children moved out, Keaton has adopted a pet to help keep her company. Diane’s dog, Reggie, is pretty much all she has right now in the way of permanent housemates, and she seems to like it that way.

She told the periodical that she never asked for a dog or sought one out intentionally. In fact, she says that Reggie came to her and basically told her in her little canine way that she thought that she could use a dog in her life, to which Keaton responded reluctantly with an “Ok, I guess?”.

Granted, now that Reggie has been in Keaton’s life for quite some time now, she has come to love her unconditionally. Describing her unique relationship with her pooch, Keaton said “Dogs are irresistible, they’re just idiots”. While that might sound a bit harsh, it’s clear that Keaton was being a little cheeky as she went on to say “Reggie is a big jerk, and she’s a great jerk, and she’s hilarious”.

Social Media Superstar

With a broad, empty house and not much else on her plate at the moment to demand her attention, Keaton has chosen to spend her free time mingling with her fans and followers on social media. She currently has 2.4 million Instagram followers which isn’t too shabby for a woman in her late 70s.

However, she admits that she does in fact have a small team to assist her with her posts and keeping up with her online presence. She says that she needs the help but cherishes it. She also says that she loves collaborating with her team as it feels like ‘making little movies’ in a way.

In one recent video that Keaton posted, she can be seen dancing along to Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers”. That video went viral and now is sitting with over a million likes.

In a post Diane made explaining what went into making that video, she explained that it was ‘just one of those days’ when she thought that she might as well ‘do something stupid’ just for kicks. The music was already rolling, and she was outdoors, so she thought to herself, ‘what the heck’. It’s this kind of spontaneity that Keaton loves tapping into in her golden years. She loves making something happen out of virtually nothing. 

Although it’s fascinating to get a glimpse into a septuagenarian’s online activities, you’re probably wondering why Keaton says that she’s all but put the nail in the coffin concerning the idea of dating anyone ever again.

Diane Keaton Dating Days Are Over

Well, just as she’s been more than willing to put herself out there online with no filter, Keaton has been remarkably candid about not dating in her 60s and 70s. In an interview that she gave to Extra back in January 2023, Keaton made the stunning revelation that she hasn’t gone on a date or been romantically involved with anyone in the last 15 years, but as you’ll soon see, that number might actually be significantly higher.

She went on to add that at a certain point she sort of just arrived at the conclusion that everyone her age had stopped taking an active interest in her in that kind of way. “Enough is Enough…She’s too weird”, the Academy Award-winning actress joked before adding, “I’m kind of odd, but I’m doing fine”.

Back in 2019, Keaton told InStyle that she hadn’t actually dated anyone in the last 35 years. She did, however, mention that she had a ton of male friends and plenty of other friends in general. So, even though she hasn’t been on any dates recently, it’s not like she is hurting for social interaction.

As far as marriage goes, Keaton was quoted in 2021 when she was a guest on the Today show, that she simply never wanted to give up her independence. She did, however, admit that no one had ever asked her to marry them either. So, that very well could have played a role in things as well.

Past Romances and Flings

Diane Keaton has had several romantic associations with noteworthy men in Tinseltown, but none of them lasted long enough to become serious or lead to a ‘happily ever after”. In fact, Diane Keaton has been single for most of her life, and she seems to be perfectly satisfied with it.

One of her earliest and most famous relationships was with Woody Allen, whom she met on the set of Play It Again, Sam in 1968. The two stars dated for four years and starred in several films together, including Annie Hall, which earned her an Oscar for Best Actress. They remained friends after their breakup and continued to collaborate on projects such as Manhattan and Radio Days.

Diane Keaton And Al Pacino

Another high-profile romance was with Al Pacino, whom she met on the set of The Godfather in 1971. They had an on-and-off relationship for nearly two decades, during which they reprised their roles as Michael and Kay Corleone in The Godfather Part II and Part III. Their relationship was tumultuous and passionate, but ultimately doomed by Pacino’s commitment issues. Honestly, that relationship alone and all of it’s twists, turns, bumps and bruises could warrant an entire video of it’s own.

Diane Keaton also dated Warren Beatty for two years after co-starring with him in Reds in 1978. They had a fiery chemistry on screen and off screen, but their relationship ended when Beatty moved on to his next leading lady, Julie Christie.

Other men who have been linked to Diane Keaton include James Foley, Edward Ruscha, Steve Jobs, Keanu Reeves, among others. However, as you are now well aware,  none of these flings developed into anything serious or lasting.

A Solo Life At 77 Years Of Age

Diane Keaton seems to be content with her solo living at 77 years of age. As we already discussed, she has a lot of friends, hobbies, interests, and projects that keep her busy and fulfilled. And let us not forget about ol’ Reggie. Who needs a man when you got a loyal, albeit high-maintenance, dog to keep you company?

Diane Keaton is an inspiration for many women who value their independence and freedom over conforming to societal expectations of marriage or romance. She has followed her own path and achieved success on her own terms. At the end of the day, she is living proof that being single can be fun, fulfilling, and fabulous.

Diane Keaton may not be looking to date anyone anytime soon, but it’s inspiring to hear how confident she is! It’s hard to believe that she’s already in her late 70s, but judging by her attitude and social media presence, she seems to be just as spunky, vibrant, and self-assured as ever. So with that thought in mind, we’re going to go ahead and wrap things up. But before you go, we’d love to hear from you. Did you know that Diane Keaton hasn’t dated anyone in the last several decades and that she claims to have no intention of dating anyone ever again? Let us know in the comments. And as always, thanks for watching!

Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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