
Bing Crosby’s 2 Sons Took Their Own Lives After His Horrific Confession

The lives of Bing Crosby’s sons, Dennis, Lindsay, and Gary, were deeply intertwined with the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, yet they were marked by profound challenges and ultimately, tragic endings. While Bing Crosby himself was a legendary figure in the entertainment industry, his sons faced personal struggles, including addiction and strained family relationships. The stories of Dennis, Lindsay, and Gary Crosby shed light on the complexities of growing up in the shadow of a famous father, and their sad endings serve as poignant reminders of the darker aspects of the world of showbiz. Join Facts Verse, as we present: Bing Crosby’s 2 Sons Took Their Own Lives After His Horrific Confession

Lindsay Crosby

While Lindsay Crosby may not have achieved the same level of fame as his father, he had his own share of experiences and challenges in his life.

Lindsay Crosby was born on January 5, 1934, in Los Angeles, California, as the second son of Bing Crosby and his first wife, Dixie Lee. Growing up in the shadow of his iconic father, Lindsay had a lot to live up to. He was one of Bing Crosby’s four children, with brothers Gary and Phillip and a sister, Mary Frances.

Lindsay’s early life marked by privilege, thanks to his father’s success in the entertainment industry. Bing Crosby was a legendary singer and actor known for his smooth crooning voice and starring roles in classic films like “White Christmas” and “Going My Way.” This success afforded the Crosby family a comfortable lifestyle.

As he grew older, Lindsay Crosby followed in his father’s footsteps to some extent. He appeared in a few films, including “The Big Night” (1951) and “The Star and the Story” (1955). However, his career never reached the same heights as his father’s, and he didn’t achieve the same level of fame in the entertainment world.

Lindsay Crosby faced personal challenges in his life, including struggles with alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, his issues with substance abuse had a significant impact on his life, as they did on several members of his family.

Tragically, Lindsay Crosby’s life cut short at the age of 51 when he died by suicide on December 11, 1989. His death was a deeply saddening event for his family and fans alike, and it served as a reminder of the challenges he had faced throughout his life.

Dennis Crosby

Dennis Crosby, also known as Dennis Michael Crosby, was the second son of the legendary American singer and actor Bing Crosby and his first wife, Dixie Lee. He was born on July 13, 1934, in Los Angeles, California, and like his siblings, grew up in a family that was deeply rooted in the entertainment industry.

Dennis Crosby’s early life was one of privilege and exposure to the world of showbiz, given his father’s status as one of the most renowned entertainers of the 20th century. Bing Crosby was famous for his smooth singing voice and his starring roles in classic films such as “White Christmas” and “Going My Way.”

During his youth, Dennis Crosby, along with his brothers Gary and Phillip and sister Mary Frances, was often seen alongside his father at various public events and in family photos. However, Dennis decided to pursue his own career in entertainment, just like his father.

Career And Personal Issues

Dennis Crosby’s career included appearances in several films and television shows during the 1950s and 1960s. He made his debut in the film “Mister Cory” (1957) and went on to act in movies like “The Night the World Exploded” (1957) and “The Purple Hills” (1961). In addition to his film roles, he made guest appearances on popular TV shows of the time, including “The Jack Benny Program” and “The Red Skelton Hour.”

Despite his efforts to establish himself in the entertainment industry, Dennis Crosby did not achieve the same level of fame and success as his father. Bing Crosby’s immense shadow and the pressure to live up to his legacy likely posed challenges for Dennis in his career.

In his personal life, Dennis Crosby faced his share of difficulties. Like some members of his family, he struggled with issues related to alcohol addiction, which added to his personal challenges.

Sadly, Dennis Crosby’s life ended tragically when he died by suicide on May 4, 1991, at the age of 56.

Gary Crosby

Gary Crosby, whose full name was Gary Evan Crosby, was the eldest son of the legendary American singer and actor Bing Crosby and his first wife, Dixie Lee. He was born on June 27, 1933, in Los Angeles, California. Like his siblings, Gary grew up in a family deeply rooted in the entertainment industry, but he also had his own aspirations and challenges in his life and career.

Gary Crosby had the unique privilege of being the first-born child of Bing Crosby and Dixie Lee. He was the elder brother of Phillip, Dennis, and Lindsay Crosby. Growing up, he experienced the perks and privileges that came with being the child of one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

Career In The Entertainment Industry

Gary followed in his father’s footsteps by pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. He had a good singing voice and sought to make a name for himself as a singer and actor. His career began with appearances on his father’s radio show, “The Bing Crosby Show,” where he showcased his vocal talents. Gary made his film debut in the movie “Mister Cory” (1957). He went on to appear in several other films, including “The Big Night” (1951) and “The Night the World Exploded” (1957). He also made guest appearances on popular television shows of the time, such as “Playhouse 90” and “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.”

While Gary had aspirations as a singer, he struggled to gain recognition and success in the music industry. He released some singles and albums but didn’t achieve the same level of fame as his father, who was a music icon.

Gary Crosby’s life was marked by personal challenges, including his strained relationship with his famous father. His memoir, “Going My Own Way” (1983), revealed the abuse, neglect, and harsh discipline he and his siblings endured in their family. Gary also faced his own battles with addiction, which were detailed in the book.

While Gary Crosby did not achieve the same level of fame and success as his father, he will be remembered as a member of the Crosby family, who left a lasting impact on the entertainment world. His candid memoir shed light on the complex dynamics within the Crosby family, offering a different perspective on the beloved Bing Crosby. Tragically, Gary Crosby’s life was cut short when he passed away on August 24, 1995, at the age of 62.

Gary’s Memoir

Gary Crosby’s memoir, “Going My Own Way,” published in 1983, is a candid and revealing account of his life. Abuse and Harsh Discipline: One of the most shocking revelations in the book was Gary’s account of the abusive and harsh discipline he and his brothers, Phillip, Dennis, and Lindsay, endured from their father, Bing. Gary described physical and emotional abuse, including beatings with a belt. This was a side of Bing Crosby that the public had never seen, as he was known for his affable and charming public persona.

Alcoholism and Addiction

Gary Crosby also revealed the extent of his father’s alcoholism and how it affected the family. He spoke about Bing Crosby’s excessive drinking and how it contributed to the strained relationship within the family. This was a deeply personal revelation that highlighted the darker aspects of Bing’s life.

Strained Father-Son Relationship

Gary’s memoir portrayed a strained relationship between him and his father. He described feeling neglected and unloved by Bing, who was often absent due to his busy career. The emotional distance between them was palpable in Gary’s narrative.

Siblings’ Struggles

Gary Crosby also shared details about the struggles faced by his siblings, including Dennis and Lindsay, who had their own battles with addiction and personal demons. The book painted a picture of a family grappling with various challenges.

Career Aspirations

While the book focused on Gary’s personal life and his relationship with his father, it also touched on his own career aspirations. He discussed his attempts to establish himself as a singer and actor, often in the shadow of his famous father.

Philip Crosby

Philip Crosby, also known as Philip Lang Crosby, was the eldest son of the iconic American singer and actor Bing Crosby and his first wife, Dixie Lee. Born on July 13, 1934, in Los Angeles, California, he was the elder brother of Dennis and Lindsay Crosby. Philip Crosby, like his siblings, pursued a career in entertainment, following in his father’s footsteps. However, his journey in showbiz was relatively brief and didn’t reach the same heights of fame as his father’s. He appeared in a few films, including “Holiday Inn” (1942), in which he played the young character of his father’s character Jim Hardy. He also made appearances on television shows and occasionally joined his father on stage for performances.

In addition to his entertainment pursuits, Philip Crosby also ventured into other areas of interest. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and worked as a stockbroker at one point in his life. Despite his diverse experiences, he remained connected to the entertainment world through his family ties.

Tragically, Philip Crosby’s life was marked by personal challenges, including struggles with alcohol addiction, much like some other members of the Crosby family. These difficulties undoubtedly impacted his career and personal life.

Philip Crosby passed away on January 13, 2004, at the age of 69. His death was a somber moment for his family and fans, as it marked the passing of another member of the Crosby family who had grown up in the shadow of their famous father.

Bing’s Confession

In an interview in 1959, Bing expressed regret about his parenting. He said, “I guess I didn’t do very well bringing my boys up. I think I failed them by giving them too much work and discipline, too much money, and too little time and attention. But I did my best and so did their mother.”

Interestingly at the time, Lindsay defended his dad, saying, “I don’t know how our dad could feel he’s failed us as a father. Reading that he had said that in an interview really shook me up. I only hope someday that I can give my son a tenth of what Dad has given us.”

Now it’s time to hear from you. Did you know about the tragedies of Bing’s sons? Let us know in the comments section below!

Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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