Did you know that Jim Morrison once got into a violent altercation with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin? Or that Lou Reed was so unimpressed by Morrison’s death that he mocked it? While The Doors’ frontman is hailed as one of rock’s great icons, he had no shortage of enemies among his musical peers.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Lou Reed
02:24 – Jimi Hendrix
03:32 – Frank Zappa
04:32 – Jerry Garcia
05:51 – Dennis Wilson
07:06 – David Crosby
08:04 – John Densmore
08:52 – Why So Many Rockstars Hated Jim Morrison
09:30 – Outro
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This video dives deep into the rockstars who utterly hated Jim Morrison. From Lou Reed’s intellectual contempt to Jimi Hendrix’s disastrous jam session, we explore the many ways Morrison rubbed fellow musicians the wrong way. His reckless behavior, substance abuse, and inflated self-image made him a divisive figure even at the height of his fame. Featuring stories from rock legends like Frank Zappa, Jerry Garcia, and David Crosby, we examine why so many of Morrison’s contemporaries found him unbearable.
Rockstars Who Utterly HATE Jim Morrison