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Archaeologists Were Digging In A Desert When They Found A 7, 000-Year-Old City Hidden In The Sands


Archaeologists have been exploring landmarks of ancient Egypt since the 18th century. Egypt has plenty of ancient and awe-inspiring treasures to explore. The Great Pyramid of Giza is incredible as is the cursed tomb of the boy-king Tutankhamun. Excavations are common in the area so that we can learn more about people who lived there thousands of years ago. Recently, archaeologists were digging in a desert when they found a 7,000-year-old city hidden in the sands.

The Find

A team of archaeologists was searching the edge of the Egyptian desert when they found the ancient town buried in the sand. They believe that it has been hidden from the world for 7,000 years. The lost city was found on November 24, 2016. The team was excavating near the town of El-Blyana which is located near the Nile River. The ancient ruins that they found dated back to 5316 BC. The archaeologists uncovered iron tools, the remains of ancient huts, and shards of pottery. They assumed that these were all items from a residential location. They also found a cemetery full of elaborate graves. So far, 15 graves have been uncovered. The toms were well preserved and very large. Some were bigger than the royal graves that had been uncovered at the nearby ancient city of Abydos. This makes archaeologists believe that these people were very important.

Older Than the Temple of Seti

The archaeologists who discovered the new settlement believe that it is older than the Temple of Seti. The evidence that they uncovered suggests that the graves date as far back as the First Dynasty of Egypt when Egypt’s earliest pharaohs ruled the land. If they are right, it will make the city older than Abydos.

The First Dynasty

Many experts disagree on exactly when The First Dynasty began. Many believe that it began between the 34th and the 30th centuries BC. It is believed that a leader named Narmer began the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. It is believed that the task was continued by his son, Hor-Aha. When the new kingdom was created, a dynasty was launched that lasted 200 years. It was during this time that ten different rules would hold the throne. This included some of the country’s first female rulers. When these rulers died, they were placed in elaborate tombs along with human sacrifices. Fortunately, this practice was phased out after the last ruler of the First Dynasty, Qa’a died.

The New Dynasty

The New Dynasty began, and Abydos remained the capital of Ancient Egypt. Things remained this way until the Fourth Dynasty. Chris Eyre from the University of Liverpool believes that the newly discovered town was the capital of Egyptian history. This is just a theory, and there is another theory surrounding the city.

A Second Theory

There are other experts who have a different theory. They believe that the newly discovered city could have been homes to the people who were responsible for building the royal tombs in Abydos. There is one writer who believes that the vast mastabas were built by officials who wanted their resting places to be more elaborate than those built for royals in the nearby capital.

The Purpose Of the Relics

Many archaeologists believe that the tools and pottery fragments that were discovered could have been left behind from the construction process. They are still investigating in the area to see what more they can discover.

The Perfect Time For a Discovery

This new discovery couldn’t have come at a better time. The country depends heavily on the revenue that comes from tourism. Unfortunately, due to the political unrest and terrorism, tourism is not what it once was. In 2016, 1.2 million tourists visited Egypt. This is down nearly half from what it was in 2015. Officials are hoping that the new discovery will start bringing more tourists to Egypt and increasing the country’s revenue.

How Is This Possible?

Many people wonder how it is possible that centuries and centuries later that discoveries are still being made in Egypt. Archaeologists in the area believe that it is the longstanding history of one of the oldest settled countries that make these discoveries possible.

Continuing the Search

The team that uncovered the lost city have no intention of leaving Egypt any time soon. If they were able to uncover such an amazing find, there is a good chance that they will continue to uncover items that have been lost from the world for thousands of years. Only time will tell how soon this will happen. The team plans to remain in the area, studying what they have already found and searching to find what else is waiting to be discovered.

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