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Baby With A Unique Birthmark Is Charming The Whole World


Every child is unique. Children have their own unique appearances, their own mannerisms, and their own personalities. Even identical twins are different in many ways. Some children have features that make them stand out above the rest. Their piercing blue eyes, a thick head of hair, or a distinctive birthmark can make a child stand out and be more unique.


Many babies are born with birthmarks. Some are just small circles on the stomach, arms, or back, and some have very distinctive birthmarks that are on display for the whole world to see. A little boy named Cinar Engin from Ankara, the capital of Turkey is one of these children. He has an incredible birthmark that has captivated the world.

A Star

Cinar is the son of Murat and Ceyda Engin. When the couple first met, they started talking about having a family. After they were married, they decided that it was time to try. In 2015, when Murat was 30-years-old, and Ceyda was 28-years-old, their dream of being parents came true when Ceyda gave birth to little Cinar. When he was born, his parents and the doctors in the nurses in the room looked down at him in shock. This baby with a unique birthmark is charming the whole world.

The Birthmark

When Cinar was born, the nurse who cleaned the baby wiped the blood from his head. She was the first to see the birthmark. She brought little Cinar to his parents. When Murat saw the birthmark, he had trouble holding back his tears. The birthmark on his son’s forehead was shaped like a heart. In the hospitals, the nurses called him “the love baby.”

Posting Photos

Shortly after Cinar’s birth, the couple began posting photos of him on social media, the way that any proud parents would. They never expected their baby to be a viral sensation. The couple would post photos of their son online, and each one would go viral. People from all over the world were liking and sharing pictures of the little boy with the heart-shaped birthmark on his forehead. Many people were amazed by it.

Stopping On the Streets

It wasn’t long before little Cinar became a celebrity, not only online, but in town. When Murat and Ceyda walk down the street with their son, people stop and ask to take photos with him. They say that everyone smiles at their son when they walk by and that everyone loves him. Many people know little Cinar as a “love baby.”

Gift From God

Murat and Ceyda are religious people, and they believe that their son’s birthmark is a “gift from God.” Ever since the day that he was born, Cinar’s parents have been telling him that his birthmark makes him unique and that God has chosen him. They remind him each day that his birthmark is a gift that he should treasure.

“Hearted Boy”

Not everyone knows little Cinar as “‘love baby.” When he goes to the hospital for his annual checkups, the doctors and nurses call him, “Hearted Boy.” When the nurse lets the doctors know who his next patient will be, they say, “It’s the hearted boy.”


When little Cinar was very young, his parents created an Instagram account for him so that his fans can see how he is doing each day. He has thousands of followers. People love when Murat and Ceyda post new photos of the little boy with the heart birthmark. The parents who have been following the little boy since birth have literally watched him growing up online. They have been there to see him take his first steps, say his first words, and even head off to his first day of preschool. Many of his followers are invested in the life of this little boy with the amazing birthmark.


Today, little Cinar is four-years-old. They say that he understands how special his birthmark makes him. They say that he knows that he is a local celebrity and a viral sensation, but he doesn’t really understand yet what that means. He loves when people stop to take a photo with him, and his parents say that he hasn’t let the celebrity go to his head. He is just a happy, healthy 4-year-old who loves to laugh, play, read, and watch his favorite cartoons. They say that he is a typical little boy, who has something amazing on his forehead that will remind him each and every day how special he truly is. Cinar’s mother believes that God kissed her son on the forehead before he sent him down to her. It was that kiss from God that makes her son special and unique.

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