classic television guide

Discover where to watch or stream all of your favorite shows.

Whether you grew up during the golden age of Hollywood or simply want to relive some of the greatest television moments of all time, you’re in the right place. With new streaming services and a variety of TV providers, it’s easier than ever to watch the classic television shows that we remember so fondly.

Below, you’ll find an A to Z guide of classic television shows from the 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. We’ll show you exactly where you can watch every episode!

Don’t see your favorite show? Contact us and we’ll add it to the list! Or, click here to discover the best streaming services for classic television shows.

The Andy Griffith Show

Currently, the best way to watch The Andy Griffith Show is to stream it on Amazon Prime Video. Here, you’ll find all 8 seasons of the series available for streaming with an Amazon Prime membership.

If you’d like to catch The Andy Griffith Show on cable, it airs on networks that include Sundance TV, TV Land and MetTV. Check your local listings for air times.

The Beverly Hillbillies

Sadly, there is no place to find all 9 seasons of The Beverly Hillbillies online. On Amazon Prime Video, you can stream the first season and purchase the second season. But, you won’t find the full series on Amazon or anywhere else.

Fortunately, you can occasionally catch airings of The Beverly Hillbillies on MeTV. Check your local listings for air times.

The Brady Bunch

If you’ve been wanting to catch up with the Brady family, you’ve got a couple options. You can stream all 5 seasons of The Brady Bunch on Hulu. Alternatively, you can find the first 4 seasons on Paramount+.

To catch The Brady Bunch on cable television, you can tune into MeTV, or its sister network, Decades. Check your local listings for air times.

The Dukes of Hazzard

While The Dukes of Hazzard isn’t currently available for streaming anywhere, you can find it to rent, purchase or download on Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV & iTunes.

You might not be able to find The Dukes of Hazzard on cable television. In recent years, networks have stopped airing the show due to complaints of the confederate flag painted on the General Lee – the iconic Dodge Charger driven by the Duke boys.

Gilligan’s Island

The fan-favorite Gilligan’s Island series is not currently available to stream. However, you can find all 3 seasons to rent or purchase on Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.

If you’d like to catch the castaways on cable television, you can find it on MeTV. Check your local listings for air times.

I Dream of Jeannie

Today, you can find seasons 1, 4 and 5 of I Dream of Jeannie on Tubi to stream for free. It is not currently available on the popular streaming services. However, if you’d like to rent or purchase any of the episodes, you’ll find all 5 seasons on Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.

You can also find the series on cable, as it airs on the FETV network. Check your local listings for air times.

I Love Lucy

There are plenty of ways to watch I Love Lucy online. You can stream all 6 seasons on Hulu or Paramount+. If you’d like to purchase or rent the episodes, you can find the first 5 seasons on Amazon Prime Video.

At the time of writing, I Love Lucy is not airing on any cable networks.

Leave it to Beaver

All 6 seasons of Leave it to Beaver are currently available for streaming on Peacock, and can be watched for free (with ads). If you’d like to rent or purchase episodes, seasons 3 through 6 are available on Amazon Prime Video.

To catch the series on cable, tune in to MeTV. Check your local listings for air times.


Want to catch up with the 4077th? You can stream all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H on Hulu. Anyone who prefers to rent or purchase the episodes can find the entire series on Amazon Prime Video.

To find M*A*S*H on cable, tune in to MeTV. Check your local listings for air times.