#1 The Australian Cattle DogThe Australian Cattle Dog is a working dog. He was bred to control and herd cattle. This breed is exceptionally intelligent. He is also very alert and very resourceful. He is a strong dog both mentally and physically. This breed is known for putting his toys away after he is done playing with them. The downside of owning such an intelligent dog is that he bores easily. When he becomes bored, he tends to be destructive.
#2 RottweilerThe Rottweiler is another working dog. In order for a dog to be a working dog, he needs to be highly intelligent. This breed has keen perception and a fierce loyalty to his owners. These dogs are often used as guard dogs and police dogs, which requires a great deal of intelligence.
#3 PapillonThis butterfly-eared dog is as smart as he is adorable. He is also so tough and strong that he is often called the bionic dog. These dogs are very protective of their owners and also the things that belong to him. This dog is so intelligent that he can be litter box trained. This isn’t something that you can say about any other dog.
#4 Labrador RetrieverThis dog cannot clean up his own poop like the dog in the picture, however, the Lab is a very intelligent breed. Not only is he known for his intelligent, he is also known for his patience, his gentility, and his affection. These things make the Lab a great family dog. Due to his vast intelligence, the Lab is often chosen for search and rescue teams, assisting disabled people, and working for the police. He is so smart that he is able to train himself.
#5 Shetland SheepdogThis dog is very devoted to his family. His main concern is that his family is safe and sound. He gets this instinct because he was bred to watch over the herd on the farm. His intelligence makes it possible for him to learn new commands with very little repetition. It is not just commands that he can easily learn, he can also learn tricks. His intelligence makes him want to be challenged often and he is happy when he is playing games that test his mind.
#6 Doberman PinscherThe Doberman has an inborn fearlessness which makes him a very popular guard dog. He is extremely intelligent and he can be trained for dominance or docility. Because he is so smart, he is used as a soldier during war. He is also often used as a police dog. While most people think that this dog is to be feared, he is actually a very gentle breed who is fiercely loyal to his family.
#7 Golden RetrieverThe Golden Retriever is a very popular breed due to his affectionate nature and his intelligence. This dog is able to learn over 200 commands. He is also able to learn complex tricks. He is a very patient and loving dog, which makes him great for families with small children. He has a willingness to learn and he is happiest when his intelligence is tested. He loves to learn and show his owners what he has learned. If a Golden Retriever is in the park with his owner and he sees a rabbit or a squirrel, he is smart enough to control himself and not chase the animals. This is why many owners don’t put their Goldens on a leash unless absolutely necessary.
#8 German ShepherdThe German Shepherd was originally bred for his intelligent. Not only is he smart, he is also courageous and he is brave. This dog can learn tasks with only a few repetitions. When the dog is first given a command, he follows it without the need for an additional command. Due to his high level of intelligence, his is often used as a working dog. He is used as a guard dog, as a police dog, and a search and rescue dog. There have even been some German Shepherds that have been trained by the military for parachute jumps. This is something that only he can do.
#9 Poodle
Don’t let his fru-fur hair-do fool you, the Poodle is a very intelligent dog. He is very easily trained and he has a very sharp mind. This is why you often see Poodles in the circus performing tricks. Poodles who live with families love to learn tricks and he loves to play. The best type of play is creative play where the dog can use his brain. He is so smart that he can find creative ways to amuse himself when his owners are not around to play with him. Just because he loves to look nice, it doesn’t mean that he isn’t one of the smartest dogs in the world.
#10 Jack Russell Terrier
Of the 10 most intelligent dogs in the world, the Jack Russell Terrier is the most intelligent. He is very easily trained, which makes him a very popular dog on television. One of the most famous Jack Russell Terrier was Moose, who played Eddie on the hit show Frasier for 9 years. The fact that he is very easy to train also make him a popular dog for busy families. He is a very well-behaved dog and thanks to his high intelligence, he knows right from wrong better than any other breed.