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Scientists Expose The Most Critical Factors That Deeply Impact A Child’s Character

Raising Children

Children don’t come with a guidebook to tell you how to raise them. Sure, there are millions of books out there on child-rearing, but every kid is different. What works great for one, won’t work great for another. There are a few rules; however, that can be effective if followed. Scientists expose the most critical factors that deeply impact a child’s character.

Yell Less

Discipline is essential; however, yelling won’t help. Flying off the handle each time your child does something wrong won’t fix the situation. Instead, use the mistake as a teaching moment. It is much more useful than yelling.

Critical Factor, Pay Attention

When your child is speaking to you, it is crucial that you pay attention. If you allow yourself to get distracted while they are talking, their self-esteem and communication skills will deteriorate. When your child is talking, put your cell phone down immediately.

Limit Screen Time

People of all ages invest too much time into their gadgets. It is important that you limit your child’s screen time so that they can enjoy the real world more often.

Ask About Their Day At School

You should always ask your child how their day at school was. These conversations will let your child know that education is important, and it will help them retain the things that they learned that day.

Critical Factor, Visit Museums

Your child’s learning experience doesn’t need to be limited to the school day. Taking your child to the museum lets them see that learning can be fun. There are plenty of museums designated just for kids, which makes for a wonderful experience. It is also a great way to spend time with your kids while they explore and learn. It’s a win-win.

Eat As a Family, Most Critical Factor

Since families live such busy lives today, it can be hard to get everyone together for dinner. However, it is essential that you try to make it a ritual a few times a week. Experts agree that families who eat dinner together tend to be more tight-knit. Also, eating together keeps the family’s line of communication open.

Make Time For Your Relationship

While spending time with your kids is essential, you also need to make time for your relationship. If things aren’t good in your relationship, your children will sense it, and they will begin to feel scared and insecure. Your relationship is as essential to your children as it is to you.

Let Your Kids Make Their Own Choices

Being a helicopter parent can be harmful to your children. Rather than micromanaging every aspect of your kids’ lives, give them a chance to make their own decision. If you give them the options and let them make their own choices, it will boost their self-esteem and decision-making skills.

Critical Factor, Promote Independence

You may want to help your child with every little task, but it actually isn’t helping. If you back off a bit and let your child do things on their own, they will be more self-reliant when they get older.

Get a Pet

Pets may be added responsibility, but adopting one can be great for your child. Not only will they learn responsibility when caring for the pet, but they will also have a friend and a loyal companion.

Encourage a Summer Job

When your child is old enough, you should encourage them to get a job. It doesn’t need to be something significant. They could babysit or get a paper route. Making money will help your child understand the worth of a dollar, and they will learn to spend responsibly.

Make Outdoor Time a Priority

It is important that your kids spend time outdoors. The fresh air will do them good, and it will keep them away from their gadgets for a while. You can start a garden with your child, help them make a fort, or just let them run around the yard. Fresh air and exercise are essential.

Travel With Your Kids

If you have the money to travel, you should take your kids with you. Giving them the opportunity to see the world will open their eyes to its wonders. These trips are things that your children will remember for the rest of their lives.

Make Them Eat Their Veggies

When your kids are growing, they need nutrients. Kids may love their snacks, but you also need to make sure that they are eating their veggies. Rather than handing your child a bag of sticks, give them some carrot sticks and with veggie dip instead.

Set Realistic Expectations

Parents want their kids to be the best at everything; however, this can do more harm than good. You should have faith in your children, but make sure that your expectations are realistic. Also, give them permission to fail.

Let Them Make Friends

Family time is important, but you need to give them a chance to make friends as well. Friendships will help your child build their social skills. Also, the friends that they make during childhood could end up being life long friendships.

Assign Chores

Giving your children chores will teach them responsibility. You don’t need to have them handle all of the household chores, but giving each child a task will pay off in the future.

Don’t Worry Too Much About Homework

Studies have shown that the majority of homework assigned by teachers doesn’t help your child learn. It is more busywork. If your child asks for help with homework, you should lend a hand. Also, don’t expect your child to stay up two hours past their bedtime just to get the homework done.


It is important that you have your child read regularly. Make sure that there are plenty of books to read in the home, and set aside a short period of time just for reading. If your child isn’t old enough to read, you should read to them.

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