
Common Phrases You’ve Been Saying Wrong Your Whole Life

#1 One And The SameWhen you are talking about two people who are alike you would say that they are one in the same. If you are saying it like this, you are wrong. The actual phrase is one and the same. Most people say the phrase so quickly that it is difficult to tell if they are saying it correctly or not.

#2 Give Someone Free ReinWhen you say that you are going to give someone free rein, you are allowing them to make all the decisions. Most people say that they are going to give someone free reign. This is incorrect. A rein is the leather strap that is used to lead a horse. Reign means to rule the way that a king or queen does. The phrase means that you would let someone rule, not control a horse.

#3 On TenterhooksWhen someone says that they are on tenterhooks, it means that they are waiting in suspense for something to happen. When many people use this saying, they say that they are on tender hooks. Since standing on soft hooks doesn’t put you in suspense, this is the wrong way to use the expression.

#4 Exact RevengeMany people say that they are going to exact revenge on a person that they want to get back at. Most people who use this expression say that they are going to extract revenge. While this expression does basically make sense, it isn’t the correct way to say it.

#5 Hunger PangsWhen a person is starving, they often say that they are having hunger pains. While they might be so hungry that they have a stomachache, it isn’t the correct expression. If you are really hungry, you would tell people that you are having hunger pangs.

#6 ScapegoatWhen you do something wrong but you place the blame on someone else, you are making them your scapegoat. When many people use this expression, they say escape goat. This really doesn’t make sense because you aren’t calling someone a goat that has escaped.

#7 It’s a Dog-Eat-Dog WorldWhen a person says that it is a dog-eat-dog world, they are saying that people will hurt whoever they need to in order to get what they want. Many people who use this expression say that it is a doggy-dog world. While this way sounds much cuter, it doesn’t make sense.

#8 RegardlessThis one is many people’s pet peeve. This word means despite the circumstances. For example, you could say that you need a new winter coat regardless of how cold it is today. Many people use the word irregardless. It might mean the same thing, however, it is not the proper way to use the word. It is the most annoying of all the common phrases you’ve been saying wrong your whole life.

#9 Moot PointA moot point is a point that doesn’t matter due to the circumstances. Many people misuse their phrase and they say mute point. The two words may sound the same, but it is the wrong way to use this expression.

#10 Don’t Take it For GrantedThe term don’t take it for granted means that you should appreciate something. This is a common phrase, but many people say it wrong. Many people say don’t take it for granite. Since granite is a type of rock, this expression doesn’t make any sense.

#11 Nip It In the BudWhen someone says that they are going to nip it in the bud, it means that they are going to do something and get it over with. Some people who use this expression say nip it in the butt. This doesn’t really make any sense. If you were to nip someone in the butt, it would be quite inappropriate.

#12 I Couldn’t Care LessWhen you use the phrase I couldn’t care less, it means that you have no interest in the subject that you are discussing. Some people use this phrase wrong and they say I could care less. This is the exact opposite of the actual phrase. If you could care less, it means that you are capable of caring less than you already do. When you couldn’t care less, it means that you care so little that it isn’t possible to care less.

#13 Wreak HavocIf you are going to wreak havoc, it means that you are going to intentionally go to cause trouble or destroy something. Many people use this phrase wrong and they say wreck havoc. This means that you are going to stop trouble, not cause it.

#14 Tongue-In-CheekTongue-in-cheek means that you are saying or writing something without really meaning it. Many people say this phrase wrong and they say tongue-and-cheek. This doesn’t really make sense. Tongue and cheek are just two parts of the body. This just sounds silly.

#15 Beck and CallWhen you say that you are at someone’s beck and call, it means that you are there to do anything for them. Many people use this phrase the wrong way. They say that they are at your beacon call. A beacon is a light that helps guide you on a dark night, therefore, using the phrase this way doesn’t make much sense.

#16 For All Intents and PurposesFor all intents and purposes means in every practical sense. This is a phrase that is often said wrong. Many people say for all intensive purposes. Not only is the wrong phrase, it also doesn’t make much grammatical sense.

#17 Giving LeewayWhen you are giving someone leeway, it means that you are giving the more room to do what they want to do, no questions asked. Some people use this phrase by saying that they are giving someone leadway. Grammatically speaking, this means that you are letting someone take the lead, not give them room to do what they please.

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