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Mind Blowing Tricks Photographers Use to Manipulate Photos

Mind Blowing Tricks Photographers Use to Manipulate Photos

#1 Historical Photos Photographers can take a quiet neighborhood today and make it look like a neighborhood back in 1930’s with the help of a few antique cars. What is better is that the photographer doesn’t even need to seek out and buy antique cars. All they needed was a camera, a table, and some toy cars. With a few tricks of the camera, the cars look life-size.

#2 Wedding PhotographyThis is one of the most mind blowing tricks photographers use to manipulate photos. A couple’s wedding pictures are tangible memories of their special day. If they choose the right wedding photographer who knows a few tricks, their photos can be incredible. The photographer who took this photo had the couple pose by a beautiful castle. He took off his shoes and got in a puddle to make it look as though the couple was right in front of the castle, standing on the water. This is one of the most mind-blowing tricks photographers use to manipulate photos.

#3 Water ReflectionsWater reflections can make photos look amazing. To get the photo just right, the model doesn’t need to actually go under water. All the photographer needs is a plastic basin full of water propped up on two boxes. With the right lighting and someone to create waves in the water, the photographer can make it look as though the model is underwater and still dry.

#4 Life in a DropThis is a truly amazing photo. It looks as though the couple is in a drop of water hanging from a piece of grass. Since this is physically impossible, the photographer had to be creative. They started out taking a photo and flipping it upside down on the computer. With the help of a large blade of glass, a selfie stick, a clip, and some Glycerin to emulate water, the picture came out absolutely amazing.

#5 Surreal Miniature PhotographyThis picture looks truly amazing. It is a wardrobe with books on a mountain. The photographer didn’t actually go out to a mountain with a wardrobe to get the perfect shot. He actually used a miniature wardrobe, tiny books, and a handmade miniature mountain. He put the items on a table with a beautiful ocean background. The final product is something truly amazing.

#6 Girl Enjoying the RainThe photo of this girl is amazing. It looks as though it is raining and she is using a large plant as an umbrella. It wasn’t actually raining when this photo was taken. The people helping with the shot used water and a strainer to make it look as though it was amazing. The final shot was perfect.

#7 Fox Close UpThis is an amazing shot of a fox, up close and personal. The photographer used a very high power lens and got the shot. What is more amazing is how he got a fox in the middle of the woods to be willing to get close enough to take this incredible picture.

#8 Water Splash BackgroundThis photo is amazing. The water behind the model is splashing behind her. To get this shot, the photographer had to get creative. He had the model stand in front of a pool and the photographer’s assistant jumped in the pool to create the huge splash that you see in the picture.

#9 Levitation PhotographyIt would be almost impossible to take this photo without the help of a few props. To make it look as though the woman is flying in the air, the photographer had her midsection resting on a ladder. It looks as if the man is easily swinging her through the air. After the ladder was photoshopped out of the photo, it looks absolutely amazing.

#10 More Wedding PhotographyThis wedding photo looks amazing. The couple is standing by a pond where they are reflected. There is also a dark sky in the background. This isn’t what the photo originally looked like. The couple is standing next to a small puddle on a bright sunny day. The photographer used the puddle to make it look like a pond. With a little help from Photoshop, the barn in the background was removed and the sky was darkened.

#11 Under the Sea on a Sunken ShipwreckThis is a photographer who is willing to go to great depths to get the right picture. The woman in the photo held her breath while the photographers got in scuba gear so that they could get the shot. Pretty amazing.

#12 Candy In Water DropsThis is a pretty amazing photo that the advertisers must have loved. It is a photo of candy encased in water drops. To get this perfect shot, the photographer simply used a piece of Plexiglas propped up on two boxes. They but the bowl of candy under the glass and poured drops of water on the glass. The final result is pretty cool.

#13 Floating in the AirThis is an amazing photo but it would be impossible if it weren’t for a few props and an assistant. Since the woman cannot fly, she is propped up on a barrel to take her up off the ground. The chair is being held up at an angle by the photographer’s assistant. After the photo was taken, the barrel and the man were taken out using Photoshop. The final product makes it look like the woman can defy gravity.

#14 Landscape Photos This amazing photo isn’t real and it isn’t even a photo of a real landscape. The photographer created the entire scene in a room. Using string, craft supplies, and the right lighting, he was able to make it look as though he saw an amazing weather event and was able to get it on film.

#15 Splashing Rose PhotographyThis picture looks amazing. There is water splashing all around a beautiful vase of roses. To get this look, the photographer an arm extension to hold the vase of roses and then splashed water on the flowers at just the right time. After adding a nice background to go along with the color of the flowers, the picture came out gorgeous.

Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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