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When An Art Critic Reviewed Hitler’s Paintings, His Analysis Gave A Truly Intriguing Insight


Hitler is known for a lot of things, and none of them are good. He was evil. He was the reason for World War II, which was the bloodiest conflict our world has ever seen. Thanks to his hate, over 85 million people died. When things fell apart for him, he hid in a bunker and killed himself. He was a coward.


As if starting a bloody war wasn’t enough, Hitler and his hate for the Jews started the Holocaust. This movement was responsible for the death of over 6 million Jews. It wasn’t just male soldiers. He ordered the deaths of women, children, and civilian men. This man didn’t have a kind bone in his body. The fact that a woman was willing to marry him is unthinkable. How could a woman be with a man who ordered the deaths of babies just because they were Jewish? Hitler wasn’t born horrible. None of us are. Something happened in his life to turn him into the monster that he became. When he was younger, he was artistic. Had he taken this path in his life, things would have turned out much differently.

An Artist

What you may not know is that when Hitler was a young man, he had a passion for art. When he was younger, he was part of a community of painters in Vienna, Austria. It is reported that Hitler expressed a desire to become an artist at a young age. Unfortunately, his father disapproved, and sent him to a technical school. Three years after he started tech school, his father died. Hitler graduated and then headed off to Vienna to explore his real passion. Art.

Art School

Hitler applied to art school. His application was accepted, and the examiners were impressed with the assigned task required to apply. His application was eventually rejected when his portfolio was deemed unsuitable. He was told that his talents leaned more toward architecture than fine art. The instructors at the Academy Of Fine Arts suggested that he apply to their School of Architecture; however, he didn’t have the academic background necessary to apply. When his mother died in 1909, he had no financial support, so he moved to a public dormitory.


While the art school believed that Hitler lacked the talent necessary to attend the school, he remained productive. It is believed that he painted up to three pieces a day while living in Vienna. This means that he could have produced over 600 pieces of artwork during his time painting in Vienna. A man named Peter Jahn was tasked with tracking down Hitler’s work between 1907 and 1914. Most of them were watercolors, some were oil paintings, and Hitler told him that he painted over 1.000 pieces.

World War I

When World War I broke out, Hitler was stationed on the Western Front. During that time, he continued to paint. Most of his work was landscapes and the situations that were going on around him. It wasn’t long before he decided that politics interested him more than art did, and he stopped painting. When he had Peter Jahn and his associate Schulte Strattaus track down his artwork, he wanted them to buy as many of his early paintings as they could find. It took them four years to do this. When Hitler got the pieces back, it is believed that he had them destroyed.

Hidden Cache: Hitler’s Painting

When World War II was ending in 1945, the United States Military found a hidden cache of Hitler’s paintings underground. They were sent to Washington DC, and they became part of a massive Nazi art collection that had been confiscated. Some of these pieces of art were returned to Germany, and many were kept in the U.S.

Analysis Of Hitler’s Painting

Over the years, many people have tried to analyze Hitler’s paintings to see if they could see signs that Hitler would one day become a monster. In 1936, a United States journalist named John Gunther wrote a review on the art that Hitler submitted to the Vienna Academy when he applied. He called Hitler’s work, prosaic, and utterly devoid of rhythm, color, feeling, or spiritual imagination. His best-known painting today is called “The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich. He used watercolors, and it combined his love of art and architecture. A journalist named Marc Fisher reviewed this painting and another. He noted that the streets were too clean, which showed his obsession with cleanliness. It also showed his desire the clean the streets of Jews, which he considered to be a germ.

The Reviews Are In

One critic was asked to review Hitler’s work without knowing who painted them. He called them “quite good.” He also said that the way the artist painted people showed that he had a disinterest in the human race. This was spot on. Hitler was a monster, and he showed this in his paintings, but there was no way of knowing the horror that he would one day unleash on the world. When An Art Critic Reviewed Hitler’s Paintings, His Analysis Gave A Truly Intriguing Insight into how he felt about humans. Nothing showed that he would be a monster one day.

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