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Breastfeeding Baby Not Invited To Destination Wedding


Weddings are a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate the love of the bride and groom. People have all different types of weddings. Some prefer church weddings, while others prefer weddings in nature, like on the beach or in a beautiful garden. Some people want to get married close to home so that everyone on the guest list can attend, while others choose destination weddings, hoping that their guests can take the time off to travel to attend the ceremony.

Lucy B.

Lucy B. is a woman from Britain. When she was six months pregnant with her child, her cousin sent her an email letting her know that he would be getting married a year later in Australia. She was close to her cousin, and the two often traded emails updating one another on their lives. Lucy’s cousin knew that she was pregnant. He also knows that by the time of his wedding that she would have a 5-month-old baby.


Lucy emailed her cousin back, letting him know that she would be attending his wedding. She was going to book her flight early since a last minute flight would have cost her and her family even more money. She went online and found a flight her herself and her husband, that would cost her $5,000. Since her baby would only be 5-months-old at the time of the wedding, she didn’t need to buy her baby a seat. Everything was all set. Lucy knew that by the time she received her cousin’s official wedding invitation in the mail, she would already have her travel arrangements planned.

The Official Invitation

Lucy received the official invitation in the mail three weeks before her cousin’s wedding. She thought that it was strange that she was getting the invite so closed to the day of the wedding. When Lucy read the invitation, she was shocked. The invitation said that children were not allowed at the wedding.

What To Do Now?

When Lucy read this part of the invitation, she was shocked. Her cousin knew that she was pregnant when he sent her the email. He also knew that by the time of his wedding, her daughter would be just 5-months-old, which is too young for a breastfeeding baby to be left with a sitter while her parents were thousands of miles away. She thought that maybe her cousin meant that other kids weren’t invited to the wedding, but since her baby was so young, she was sure that she could bring her. Also, she had already spent $5,312 for her plane tickets; she wasn’t going to just stay home.


When Lucy, her husband, her their five-month-old baby arrived in Australia, they were shocked to hear that they would not be welcome at the wedding if they had their baby with them. This breastfeeding baby not invited to destination wedding, and her parents were furious.

Find a Babysitter

When the couple arrived with their baby, family members told them that they should try to find a babysitter so that they could still attend the wedding. Since the wedding was being held in a suburban area, and everyone they knew in Australia was already invited to the wedding, they couldn’t find anyone to watch their child. They spent over $5,000 to attend a wedding, and they were told that they could not go.

Posting the Story On Social Media

When all of this was going down, Lucy posted the story of her experience on social media. The people who read the post all said that they would be furious. Most people were sure that the couple getting married should have made an exception for their traveling cousin since they knew back then that she would have a very young baby by the time the wedding day came. The cousin should have thought about the invitation before sending the email that day.

Family Events

Many other social media users scolded the bride and groom for excluding children. Weddings are a time for family and friends to get together. Since children are members of most families, why not let them come to the wedding? Many of the social media users scolded the bride and groom for allowing the couple to travel thousands of miles with a young baby only to send them away when it came time for the wedding.

A Lesson

This story should be a lesson to anyone traveling far for a destination wedding. Before booking your flight and before making your plans, make sure that your children are invited to the wedding also. This story should also be a lesson to couples who are about to get married. If you are planning a wedding, and are inviting people with children who live thousands of miles away, let them come to the wedding too. If kids aren’t invited, make this clear very early on.

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