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Kelly LeBrock Is 63, See Her Now After She Quit Hollywood

Let’s dive into the fascinating story of Kelly LeBrock and her journey from Hollywood starlet to reclusive icon.

For those who may not be familiar with her, Kelly LeBrock burst onto the scene in the 1980s, captivating audiences with her stunning beauty and undeniable talent. She appeared in several popular films of the era, including “Weird Science,” “The Woman in Red,” and “Hard to Kill,” solidifying her status as a bonafide Hollywood icon.

Leaving The Entertainment Industry

However, despite her success, LeBrock abruptly left the entertainment industry and disappeared from the public eye. For years, fans and critics alike wondered what had become of the beloved actress, with rumors swirling about her personal life and the reasons behind her departure from Hollywood.

Now, at 63 years old, Kelly LeBrock has reemerged, and fans are eager to catch up with the enigmatic star. While she may have left the glitz and glamour of Hollywood behind, LeBrock remains as captivating and charming as ever, with a unique perspective on life and the entertainment industry.

In this video, we’ll explore what Kelly LeBrock has been up to since quitting Hollywood, and what she has to say about her time in the industry, her personal life, and her plans for the future.

From her stunning looks to her candid insights, LeBrock is sure to delight and inspire you with her story. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at this Hollywood legend and see what she’s been up to!

Factsverse Presents: Kelly LeBrock is 63, See Her Now After She Quit Hollywood

Kelly’s Early Years

Kelly LeBrock’s backstory is nothing short of remarkable. Born in New York and raised in London, she comes from a diverse background, with a French-Canadian father and an Irish mother. In fact, her given name pays homage to her maternal grandmother from the Irish County Armagh.

After spending some time in London, Kelly returned to her birthplace of New York City and launched her modeling career at the young age of 16. However, her career truly took off when she featured in Vogue at the age of 19, quickly becoming one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Kelly’s talent and beauty caught the eye of Christian Dior, who personally selected her to become a brand ambassador. With just 30 days of work per year, Kelly reportedly earned a substantial sum, although the exact figure remains unknown. Suffice it to say, her career trajectory was meteoric, and she soon became the talk of the town.

The Woman In Red

Kelly LeBrock’s path to becoming a pop culture icon was not without its twists and turns. However, it wasn’t until she became the spokesperson for Pantene that she truly captured the world’s attention. Her appearance in one of the brand’s most iconic advertisements helped to make her a recognizable face, thanks in part to her memorable line, “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” In fact, the catchphrase has remained in use to this day, even among those who may not be familiar with Kelly’s work.

Interestingly, it was perhaps this memorable TV commercial that helped Kelly land her most famous role to date in “Weird Science.” Her appearance in a steamy shower during the ad may have caught the eye of the film’s creators, leading to her casting in the movie. However, “Weird Science” was not actually Kelly’s first foray into acting, and she had already begun to establish herself as a talented performer before landing the role that would eternally cement her status as a pop culture icon.

Kelly LeBrock: Charlotte

Kelly LeBrock’s talents as an actress soon recognized, and she landed the lead role in the 1984 romantic comedy “The Woman In Red,” which was directed by and starred Gene Wilder. She portrayed Charlotte, a woman who captures the heart of Teddy (played by Wilder) after he becomes obsessed with her following a Marilyn Monroe-style moment over a ventilation grate.

It seemed that LeBrock’s career was beginning to fall into

place.The following year, in 1985, Kelly LeBrock took on the role for which she is best remembered, starring in the comedy sci-fi classic “Weird Science.” The movie, which written and directed by the legendary filmmaker John Hughes, also featured the talents of Anthony Michael Hall and Ilan Mitchell-Smith. The film proved to be a major success, solidifying Kelly’s status as one of the most talented actresses of her generation.

Into The Woods

After becoming a household name thanks to her iconic role in Weird Science, Hollywood opened up to Lebrock, presenting her with many doors of opportunity to choose from. Pretty much, from here, she could have gone practically anywhere.

Kelly’s acting prowess was further showcased in the 1990 film “Hard to Kill” which also became significant as it the project where she met her future husband, Steven Seagal. Despite this, Kelly decided to step away from the limelight following a widely-publicized divorce from Seagal in 1996.

We’ll touch on that particularly painful chapter of her life in a bit more detail in just a moment, so be sure to stick around.

25 Years In Television

Speaking to Fox News about her decision to leave Hollywood behind, Kelly revealed that being famous at a young age had caused her more harm than good. She shared that being in the spotlight is not for everyone, and that she wanted to raise her children outside the Hollywood bubble.

Kelly left Hollywood and lived in what she referred to as “the wilderness” with her children, without so much as a  television for 25 years. She describes herself as a single mom who did her best to raise her three wonderful children. According to her, she could always make the decision to return to her career but she would never have the opportunity to return to her children if she ever left them. At the end of the day, she had to put her family first, as that is what really matters most to her.

Kelly reflects that while some people can balance their career and family life, for her, the fame done and dusted.

Not only has Kelly thrown away her television, but she has also done her best to stay away from social media. She believes that social media as a whole has ‘gotten out of control’ and she frankly doesn’t want anything to do with it. To avoid the frenzy of the online realm, she’s gotten rid of her computer and only has an internet connection with very low bandwidth and spotty service.

Kelly’s Marriage With Seagal Was A Nightmare

In 1987, fate brought Kelly LeBrock and Steven Seagal together in Japan. While LeBrock was there for a photo shoot, her publicist introduced her to Seagal, who was an aspiring actor and screenwriter at the time. Despite her initial plan to blow him off, Seagal’s relentless pursuit paid off, and the two started seeing each other.

LeBrock enamored with Seagal’s many talents – he could speak Japanese fluently, do acupuncture, chiropractics, play guitar and drums, and draw. She found him to be an all-around Renaissance man, and they got married that same year. However, their relationship soon turned sour when LeBrock experienced an incident of abuse at the hands of Seagal.

Despite the troubled marriage, LeBrock stayed with Seagal because of their three children. After nine years of marriage, they divorced, and LeBrock wrote a tell-all book about her experience. In an interview Kelly gave following her divorce, she revealed that she became too afraid to leave the house and moved her family to a different neighborhood to shield them from the details of the divorce.

LeBrock decided to become a homebody, fearing everything and struggling with low self-esteem. She even got rid of the TV to prevent her children from seeing any news about the divorce. Despite the difficult end to their marriage, LeBrock and Seagal co-starred in the aforementioned 1990 action movie “Hard to Kill.”. It’s hard to imagine what it must have been like for LeBrock, having to work with her abuser like that, but all we know is at least she eventually freed herself of his abusive tendencies.

Kelly Today

After divorcing Seagal, Kelly went on to have two brief marriages with Victor Drai and Fred Steck, both of which ended in divorce. Despite her failed marriages, Kelly LeBrock has remained a devoted mother to her three children.

She has continued to pursue acting, albeit sporadically, and has appeared in several independent films and TV movies such as The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Zerophilia, 10 Days in a Madhouse, and A Prince for Christmas. Kelly last seen onscreen in the 2021 film Charlie Boy. Additionally, she has shared her personal struggles on reality TV shows such as Celebrity Fit Club, Hell’s Kitchen, and Growing Up Supermodel.

LeBrock is also passionate about charitable causes and supports animal rights and domestic violence prevention. Following the death of her brother Harold in 2008, Kelly started devoting a significant amount of her time to tending to and advocating for the terminally ill. She has also been the spokeswoman for Club Carson, an organization whose members are children who are suffering from cancer.

Peaceful Life in California

She currently resides on a peaceful ranch in California with her many pets and is content with her simple lifestyle. Though she may no longer be in the spotlight, she remains grateful for her fans’ support and appreciates their continued love and support throughout the years.

LeBrock may not be quite as famous as she once was, but she is still a beautiful and talented woman who has lived an interesting and inspiring life. Sure, her Hollywood career might be in the rearview mirror, but she seems to be perfectly content with that!

Kelly LeBrock’s legacy is that of an iconic actress and model who was one of the most recognizable faces of the 1980s. She was known for her stunning looks, natural talent, and versatility as an actress. While LeBrock may not be as prominent in the public eye as she once was, her impact on popular culture and her commitment to helping others will continue to inspire and influence future generations.

With that, we’ll go ahead and wrap things up. Before you move on to watching another one of our facts-packed videos, we’d love to hear from you. Did you know that Kelly LeBrock got her start as a model before landing her iconic roles In The Woman in Red and Weird Science and where you aware that she was once married to action-film star Steven Seagall? Let us know in the comments, and as always, thanks for watching!

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