
Things Your Body Parts Reveals About You

#1 The HairThe color of a person’s hair says a lot about their personality. Women with blonde hair tend to be more confident than brunettes and redheads because blondes often get more attention. A study was released regarding redheads and pain. According to the study, redheads are more sensitive to pain than people with other hair colors. Also, redheads often require more pain medication and anesthesia during surgery. Not only does hair color have something to do with a person’s personality, but the amount of hair that a person has on their head does as well. The average bald man in the U.S. has an IQ of 119, which is higher than the average man’ IQ of 115.

#2 The ForeheadAccording to Face Reader, Dadhichi Toth, the forehead says a great deal about a person. If a person has a wide forehead, it means that they are clever, practical, and diligent. It also means that they are full of ideas. If they have a deep, high rounded forehead, it means that they are very serious when it comes to friendships. If they have a flat forehead, they are more likely to deal in facts. If they have a receding or a flying forehead, they would likely be more spontaneous and impatient. If they have an indented forehead, they are more likely to be less successful in business and if they have a pointed forehead, they will be more successful. Finally, if a person’s hairline is not very narrow and set back, they would likely be more bright.

#3 The FaceMen with narrow faces are honest and open. Men with wider faces tend to be devious. These men are also more willing to cheat. They also have no problem telling lies often.

#4 They EyebrowsAccording to Chinese Face Reading, a person’s very specific personality can be determined by the details in their eyebrows. If a person has is between 31 and 34 years old and they have short eyebrows, they will have more problems in their personal and professional life. If a person has dark, thick brows, they are more likely to be friendly and active. They love to have fun with friends, and they love to party. People who have sparse, light eyebrows are slightly less fun than most people. They follow every direction to the letter. They also spend a great deal of time organizing. People with straight eyebrows always stick to their guns. They also have very strong convictions. If a person has brows that point upwards it is a sign that the person has a very strong work ethic. They also make good leaders. Finally, messy eyebrows often mean that a person has a messy life, especially when it comes to money management.

#5 The EyesThe eyes say a lot about a person. Not only are they the window to your soul, they also have a lot to do with personality. A person with pale blue eyes is said to be more peaceful than most. Pale blue eyes also say that the person needs to work on their endurance and physical strength. Blue-green eyes mean that a person is very focused and that they spend a great deal of time analyzing their emotions. People with green eyes get bored easily, and they need variety in their jobs. A monotonous job is not the best choice for a person with green eyes. Also, green eyed people tend to have 20 different thoughts running through their mind at once. A person with brown eyes is said to be caring, warm-hearted, and very family oriented. Finally, a person with gray eyes is said to be more private and emotionally cold.

#6 The NoseThe nose says a lot about a person’s personality. Most people with turned up noses are optimistic and full of characters. They also are very enthusiastic when it comes to new experiences and new ventures. A person with a hawk nose is relatively rebellious and doesn’t seek the approval of others. The classic shaped nose, also known as the Green nose, suggests that a person is organized and factual. The Roman nose is often found in leaders. These people are not very aggressive, and they are also not impulsive. The Nubian nose is long and has a wide base. These people are very passionate and creative. They are always looking for new and better solutions to problems. Finally, a person with a snub nose is street smart, wise, and witty.

#7 The EarsMaster Face Reader, Joey Yap believes that there are 50 types of ears, and each type represents intelligence or lack thereof. People with protruding ears love to be in the spotlight. People with large ear lobes know how to enjoy a life of luxury and people with flat ears are more opinionated than most. If the top part of a person’s ear is larger and rounder than the bottom, they are said to be extremely intelligent.

#8 The LipsWomen with full pouty lips and a big mouth are often very popular and lucky. Women with thin lips are more likely to have long, happy relationships.

#9 The ChinAccording to a study performed in the United States, women with large chins are more likely to cheat because they have higher levels of testosterone.

#10 The Creases in the HandsThe creases in the hands are one of the things your body parts reveals about you. They also say a lot about a person. If a person’s deepest crease is on the bottom of their hand, they are lucky. If it is in the upper area of their hand, they are going to be lucky in love. Finally, if the crease is straight across the hand, they are highly intelligent.

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