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Family Dog Helps Firefighters Get Children Out Of A Burning House


Dogs are known as “Man’s Best Friend” for a reason. They are loyal companions. They get excited to see you when you come home, and they snuggle up with you at night. A man named Brent Feaser has a dog, and he truly earned his title of Man’s Best Friend. Facts Verse: Family Dog Helps Firefighters Get Children Out Of A Burning House.

Brent and Margo Feaser

Brent Feaser is a military veteran, and his wife Margo has been with the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office for 12 years. Before that, he served in the United States Army for three years and was deployed overseas during Operation Enduring Freedom. They are also parents to a 4-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter. Another important member of the family is their German Shepherd, Maxx. They are a loving family who suffered a severe tragedy in April 2018.

Looking at the Stars

One evening, Brent was with his neighbors Joe Jordan, and Chip and Andrew Dover. They were using Chip’s telescope because it was a clear night, and Jupiter was visible. It was a relatively quiet night in the neighborhood, until just after 11 pm.

The Explosion

Them men were talking, taking turns using the telescope and having a good time when they heard what sounded like a massive explosion. When they looked up, they discovered that the sound had come from Brent’s house. They ran over to the house, and the whole place was engulfed in flames. What’s worse was that Margo and Brent’s two children were still inside.

Saving the Family

After the explosion, the four men ran over to Brent’s house. It was burning, and the men knew that they had to get the family out. Chip and Andrew used furniture on the porch to break the windows to try to get inside to find Margo and the children. Joe remained outside on the phone with 911. Chip and Andrew managed to pull Margo to safety, but the kids were still inside. Brent was also inside having gone in to find his children.

Firefighters Arrive

Shortly after Margo was pulled out of the house, the firefighters arrived. They went inside and found Brent. He was suffering from significant burns, but they EMTs didn’t think that they were life-threatening. With the children still inside, Margo wanted to go back into the burning house to save them. Officers had to hold her back while the firefighters went inside to find the kids. Like any mother, she was willing to risk her life to save her children, but her fellow officers wouldn’t allow her to go back inside. They insisted that she let the fire department bring them out.

Thick Smoke

Finding the children was difficult for the firefighters. Thick, black smoke had engulfed the house, making it difficult for the firefighters to see. Since they didn’t know the layout of the home, and where the kids’ rooms were located, it made it even more challenging to find the children. Suddenly, the firefighters spotted Maxx.

The Hero

When the firefighters spotted Maxx, they saw that he was running down the hall. They followed him, and they led him to the children. According to the firefighters, if it hadn’t been for Maxx, the firefighters never would have found the children in time.

Taken To the Hospital

The family was taken to the hospital to be treated for their wounds. The family suffered from burns and heavy smoke inhalation. They were listed in serious to critical condition, but the doctors expected them all to survive. Maxx suffered from smoke inhalation and a burn to his leg. He was taken to the local vet, where he was given the hero’s welcome. He was treated and sent back to his family.

The House

The house was a total loss. When the family was released from the hospital, they went to stay with family. Brent says that when they receive their insurance check, they are going to rebuild their home. Until then, they are relying on the kindness of family and the generous donations from people in town to keep their family afloat. Brent says that if there was a hero that night, it was Maxx. Had his children been in the house for just a minute or two longer, they wouldn’t have made it. Maxx managed to get help to the children just in time. Maxx is a retired K-9 unit dog, and it is clear that he never forgot his training. The firefighters that saved the children say that Maxx remained calm the whole time he led them to the children’s rooms. He was also able to get himself out of the house safely. The family dog helps firefighters get children out of a burning house, and he will always be their hero.

Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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